The Crowd is Growing – Triangle Cruzing with Carly & Ben

The Crowd is Growing – Triangle Cruzing with Carly & Ben

On Monday April 13, John Locke Foundation sponsored a headliner luncheon in Raleigh with Senator Ted Cruz, the first announced GOP candidate for President. On that same day, Senator Marco Rubio announced his intention to seek the GOP nomination in Miami. This followed a visit on March 28 by former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina to Cary to the Civitas Leadership Conference; Dr. Ben Carson spoke the evening before. On Sunday the 29th, Carly announced via Fox News Sunday that there was a 90% chance that she would run for President. More than 18 months before the 2016 general election, the primary campaign is heating up, and the crowd is growing.
There are likely to be many additional candidates, although other formal announcements have only come from Hillary Clinton in the form of a video, a logo, and a Scooby van.
Will the GOP primary campaign foster a battle that damages our side, or will it grow an environment where we can get the hopeful message of conservatism to the voter? Can supporters focus on why they support their candidate, or will they tear down the others?
Only time will tell whether the road course on the Beltline in March/April 2015 with Ted, Carly, Marco, and Ben is clear.
Will the GOP be “cruising” in 2016?
(Congratulations, Kristine Godeaux, on getting that question in for Ted Cruz!)
John Locke Foundation
Ted Cruz
Carly Fiorina
Marco Rubio


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