Sweet! A Judge In The House!

Sweet! A Judge In The House!

Thursday March 26 was the date and downtown Tarboro was the place for the annual convention of the Edgecombe GOP. As 12-year outgoing chairman James Proctor welcomed everyone to the county auditorium, the refreshments waited in the back.
Greetings were shared with the Edgecombe Republicans in the room.
Justice Bob Edmunds arrived to regular fanfare. That is to say, he greeted everyone in the room. Justice Edmunds is a great jurist, and a genuine nice guy. We are lucky to have him. A judge was in the house!
Once the convention was gaveled to order, Justice Edmunds delivered remarks about why the rule of law is so important, going all the way back to the Magna Carta. Yes, Republican gatherings often recount the history of our freedoms and liberties, as well as the basis of our principles and founding documents. It was an interesting and important set of remarks.
Justice Edmunds was applauded, and then departed as the regular business got underway.
A new set of officers was elected.
Congratulations to Teresa Harrell Chair Chad Hinton Vice-Chair David Lewis Treasurer Anthony Edwards Secretary.
After a few additional remarks were shared, the final delegate and alternate slots were decided.
The gavel came down, and the meeting adjourned.
The desserts were waiting in the back! Sweet!
P.S. Greater Tarboro has a rich and famous history. Check out available tours at this link:
Infamous history includes the devastation in Tarboro and neighboring Princeville during Hurricane Floyd. Check out some unbelievable photos here:
P.P.S. Someday with a bit more time might allow for some geocaching in the Edgecombe County area. David Lewis will be consulted to provide some insight about his “findings” over the past year.


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